Spanish Culture and Language Courses

Semester Courses

Enrollment application

Students interested in completing one of our programs must fill out the following application form and send it to the address indicated below, along with the following documents:

2 passport-size photos
Photocopy of bank transfer

Payments for the tuition, Room and Board are accepted in form of check to the following address:

Universitas Castellae
Plaza Viejo Coso 5, Edif.2
47003 Valladolid (España)

or bank trasfer to the order of


International Banking Account – Number (IBAN): ES93-0075-5707-1506-0003-0039
Bank Identification Code (BIC): BSCHESMM


Terms open for registration:

Fall Semester June 10
Spring Semester November 30

We advise students to send applications as soon as possible before the term during which he/she desires to start.