Spanish Culture and Language Courses

Summer Courses

Registration process

To apply for admission, please fill out and return the enclosed application form to the address below:
Universitas Castellae

Pl. del Viejo Coso 5, Edif. 2

47003 Valladolid

or send electronically to

Payments for tuition (including room and board) are accepted in the form of a check to:
Universitas Castellae
Pl. del Viejo Coso 5, Edif. 2
47003 Valladolid

or bank transfer to the order of Universitas Castellae at:

International Banking Account Number (IBAN): ES93-0075-5707-1506-0003-0039
Bank Identification: BSCHESMM

To reserve a place in the program, the total cost of the course (tuition including room and board) must be paid in advance. Payment dates are not negotiable and full payment must be made before students will be allowed to attend courses.
A student who chooses to withdraw from the program will be refunded 50% of the amount paid, provided that s/he notifies the program of his/her intent to withdraw 15 days before the course begins. Students should send, along with the application form, two passport size photos, and a photocopy of bank transfer. Only euros will be admitted for payment.

Student data

Academic information

Medical information

Selección de Cursos Universitas Castellae

Información de Alojamiento